Monday, November 1, 2010


Beginning to work with my group, preparing our presentation on religion, I thought this was going to be challenging for me. Here's a little history about me. I was brought up in a household where religion did not hold the top priority. My parents were both brought up to go to church every Sunday, when they both couldn’t stand it. So, they decided when they became parents, they would give their child a choice of what they wanted to do. We never went to church. Sundays were for recovering and regrouping. When I was around 7, I asked my parents why we didn’t go to church like the rest of my friends. They explained to me that they thought teaching me to be a good citizen, not lying, not cheating, and not stealing was more important than sitting in a church every Sunday listening to someone talk. But…they also told me that if I wanted to go to church to see what it was about, that they would take me. So for about a month, my Mom took me to church, and sat through what she hated most. But after that month, I got over it and didn’t show interest. I love what my parents instilled in me. Don’t get me wrong, I think religion is important, and I think the idea of believing and looking to something bigger is crucial. But, what is most important to me is that I am a well-rounded person that has good morals and does what’s right. Some believe that you need to go to church to achieve this, but I think it’s all about how you are raised and the influence your parents hold over you.

Preparing our presentation was just a reminder that everyone has their own beliefs and that we have to accept everyone for who they are and what they believe. We tried to stir up some controversy to make the presentation more interesting and I think we achieved that goal. And most importantly, I felt OK with not having a strong religious background, because everyone is different and believes in different things.

1 comment:

  1. June, I appreciate your view. Your experience is difference but it is so interesting to me.

